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If you have any questions about how much your student owes, please email Mr. Matthews.

Write a check?


Make checks payable to:

Checks may then be sent by your student to the bandroom and placed in the metal black box outside Mr. Matthews' office. You may also mail your check to the high school at the address below:

Bryant High School
c/o Keith Matthews
801 N Reynolds Rd, Bryant, AR 72022

BEWARE: If you mail a check over the summer break, it may not get picked up or deposited until mid-July!

You may also send money electronically through Paypal.



  1. Go to Paypal.Com (or click the logo above).

  2. Enter ""

  3. Enter the amount of payment.

  4. Choose the option "Send money to friends/family."

  5. Add a note in regards to what and which student this is for.

We will receive an email with your payment/transaction number, and we will then email out your receipt. 

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